To participate in the contest, you must register on the Photo Contest website and upload photos to the site through the participant's personal account.
It is recommended to register and submit photos from a computer, as the site may not work correctly from some mobile devices. The instructions are provided for working with the site on a computer.
Registration takes place in 2 stages, at the first stage basic information about the participant is entered, and at the second stage the user's password is set.
To start registration, click on the blue “Participate” button in the upper right corner of the window. Next, the basic user data is entered. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
After successfully filling in all fields and clicking the “Register” button, a message will appear on the site: “A link has been sent to your e-mail address to confirm registration and set a permanent password to log in to the site. If it doesn't arrive within 15 minutes, check the Spam folder.
On the same day, you need to check your mail, find a letter from and click on the link to activate the participant's personal account.
When clicking on the link, we get to the password change page, where the e-mail field to which the personal account was registered and the control line field are pre-filled in. Set a new password and repeat it. The password must be at least 8 characters long, contain uppercase Latin characters (A-Z), contain lowercase Latin characters (a-z), and contain digits (0-9). Click on the Change Password button.
Registration is completed at this stage!
After successfully changing the password, you go to the Authorization page, where you need to enter your username (your e-mail) and password.
Photos are submitted through the user's personal account. During the period of acceptance of works for the competition, after adding a work, it is forbidden to edit or delete it!
To upload a photo to the site, you need to log in to your personal account
Enter your E-mail and password in the form.
After logging in to your personal account, the "My photos" and "Personal data" sections will be available to you.
In the "My Photos" section, you can add a photo to the contest and view previously posted photos.
In the "Personal data" section, you can change the entered data at the time of registration of your personal account.
You can open the form for posting a photo to the contest by clicking on the "Add photo" button in the "My photos" section or "Take part" in the main menu.
We get to the page for adding a photo, where you need to set the name of the photo, description and other parameters.
Some categories have their own nuances when uploading to the site, these are the category “Live Archive", “The most beautiful desktop wallpapers”, “Russia in faces".
Modern photographs that repeat archival photographs. On the special page of this category (the original historical photo is “Select”), you need to select a photo of Russia at the end of the XIX – first half of the XX century from the archives of the Russian Geographical Society and the archives of the category's partners, which was reshot by the author in a modern look. You can use the photo archive of the Russian Geographical Society or photos of our partners to choose the category "Live Archive", select the frame of interest and add it and save it. Then you should upload a modern version of this photo in the “Photo” field.
Or you can use your family photo archive (it is advisable to use archival photographs of the XIX — first half of the XX century, but photos of the 50-70s of the XX century will also be accepted for consideration) to do this, select the category "Living Archive", select the frame of interest, add it and save it. Then you should upload a modern version of this photo in the “Photo” field.
Digital files should be provided in JPEG format. The image size should be at least 6000x4000 pixels. The resolution is 72 dpi. Image upscaling is not allowed. It is desirable that the image file contains a workspace profile to ensure proper color rendering.
In the case of portrait photography, a model release is required. You need to download a sample contract with the model, fill it out and upload it when creating a job on the site.